Mario Murillo Ministries

I rented an entire baseball stadium to have a prayer meeting—an actual prayer meeting—a meeting where you pray.  And before you finish reading this, you will understand that I am promising you a night of true prevailing prayer, for a miracle in California!

The shocking part is this: I have to stipulate that we are actually going to be praying.  That is because of the terrible thing that has happened to many major prayer gatherings in America.

They seem to do everything but pray.  They sing, they teach, they exhort, and they declare things—but they never just seem to pray.

There is no mystery why they do not pray:  it’s because they need to get a crowd. And let me tell you, my friend, there is a science to getting a crowd in Christian circles these days.  The key is three-fold: Politics, entertainment, and, last but not least, money…

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